Webinar: Renewable Gas Target for Australia
May 19, 2023
Key insights from the latest policy research on designing and implementing a renewable gas target
19 May 11:30 – 1:00pm (Syd/Mel time)
Join a lively discussion exploring our latest research on Renewable Gas Targets. Jim Hancock, University of Adelaide will share the research’s insights on the potential design of a Renewable Gas Target and perspectives on both the roles the target could play and the potential implementation of a target in Australia.
Future Fuels CRC’s project RP2.2-04 is researching how a target could be effectively designed and implemented to support the adoption of renewable gases in Australia. Jim’s presentation will be followed by a Q&A panel session. Panellists confirmed so far:
Linda Cardillo GM Renewable Gas, Jemena
Russell James GM Hydrogen and Future Fuels, ATCO
Tim Bray, Strategic and Consumer Policy, Government of Western Australia
Nicola McFarlane, Director, Hydrogen and New Energies, Government of Western Australia
Benjy Lee Benjy Lee Consulting (Moderator)
Register now at
This webinar is open to everyone free-of-charge and a recording of the webinar will be available on our website after the event.
About Future Fuels CRC
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre is the industry focussed Research, Development & Demonstration (RD&D) partnership enabling the decarbonisation of Australia’s energy networks. We work with our partners in a collaborative and connected research community embracing industry, academia and government. For more information visit