Advanced infrastructure repair and protection systems (RP3.4)
- RP3.4-08 Assessing coating damage and hydrogen embrittlement risks of steel pipelines under the combined effects of hydrogen from external cathodic protection and internal hydrogen containing fuels
- RP3.4-11 Assessment of squeeze off reinforcement clamps
- RP3.4-10: Effects of Common Impurities Found in High Density CO2 Pipelines
- RP3.4-09: Performance review and survey of trenchless technologies and materials for pipeline rehabilitation and repurposing for future fuels
- RP3.4-03B: Understanding damage to pipeline due to HDD equipment – Phase 2
- RP3.4-07: Supplementary tests on the effect of bi-directional potential excursions on cathodic protection
- RP3.4-05: Validation of quality assurance tests for two-part epoxy coatings
- RP3.4-04: Keyhole coating damage treatment
- RP3.4-03: Centre of excellence for third party pipeline damage control
- RP3.4-02: Closed-loop CP control system for fuel networks
- RP3.4-01: Retrofitting pipelines by in situ coating